We’ve all got our own unique signatures. Sometimes it comes naturally, sometimes it takes a while to get it right.
But what does your signature say about you?
Those with a slanted signature have more outgoing personalities.
Emphasis On Initials
If you emphasise your initials, or only use your initials, then you’re a private kind of person. You might not open up to others easily.
You have a sense of self-importance. You have lots of value for your achievements.
If your signature has illegible letters, you tend to have a quick mind and you work fast. You might be accustomed to a busy lifestyle.
You are an open, straightforward person.
Wide, Swooping Letters
You’re a confident, extroverted person who doesn’t hold back.
Tall, Narrow Letters
You are very precise and have a meticulous attention to detail.
No Surname
You have a chill personality, and a relax approach to business.
Closing Flick
You have lots of drive and determination. You tend to be proactive about things.
Downwards Slope
You are a cautions person, and usually weigh up the risks of most things.
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