Monday, November 13, 2017


Poor blood circulation in your hands is often a source of discomfort or pain when performing many everyday activities. Over time, you may be able to reverse circulation problems by performing a series of activities designed to strengthen the muscles in your hands; this, in turn, will help to increase blood flow to the area.
Improve Blood Circulation

Exercise Regimen

Exercise is the simplest way to improve your blood’s ability to circulate through your hands. Your body’s muscles require oxygenated blood in order to function, and as you work the muscles in your hands, the surrounding blood vessels will dilate to allow more of this oxygenated blood to flow through. As with any exercise regimen, you should start out at a low intensity level and gradually proceed to more difficult exercises, if desired.
Start off with a few warm-up exercises; hold your hands out in front of you and shake them about to get the blood flowing. Next, ball your hands into fists and keep them clenched for ten seconds, then release; repeat this exercise a few times. Consider incorporating a pliable object, such as a rubber ball or piece of crumpled paper, into the exercise to provide additional resistance; some fitness stores sell specialized grip exercisers equipped with metal springs designed for this purpose.
Once you have finished warming up, stretch your hands by spreading out your fingers. Bend each of the joints in your hands and hold each position for a few seconds before proceeding to the next; you can use your other hand to help with the stretching, but do not try to force your fingers to move more than comfort allows.
After you have limbered the muscles in your hands and fingers, you can move on to a series of isometric exercises; these exercises work the muscles without requiring any sort of movement from the joints. Begin by holding your hands against your chest, with your palms pressed against each other; push your hands together for ten seconds, then release and repeat. After you have completed this exercise, clench one hand, push your fist into the palm of your other hand, hold it in place for ten seconds, then repeat with the other hand. You can incorporate nearby objects, such as walls and tables, into your exercises by pushing your hands against them. Vary the angles at which you push and try alternating between using your fingertips and the palms of your hands. Finish your exercise routine by massaging your hand’s muscles with your thumb and fingertips.

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